Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sand in a Bus

We left Florida and the kids thought that was the last they would see of sand.  Actually, that was my thought.  In DC, the kids saw this sand material at Michael's and repeatedly asked if I could buy it for them.  No way, I would respond at the thought of having another thing to clean up in our little space of a home.  But Christmas softens a grouchy mother's heart and I researched which "sand" and molds were the best to get them.  After watching a comparison of the more ubiquitous "kinetic sand" and "moon sand," I chose the latter because it can hold a desired shape much better.

"Moon Sand" is now called "Shape-It! Dough."

It doesn't look very sandy.

Despite providing the kids with a tub, they still spilled some sand outside.  It was worth it because they played with it and cooperatively for 1+ hours!   I was able to return some big pieces back into the tub, which fits neatly on the driver's seat.  This afternoon, they asked to play with it instead of watching TV!  I just heard Simone declare that they're scientists.

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