Monday, January 19, 2015

Frozen River

It didn't occur to me before the snow came that the Potomac River would freeze.  I thought that sort of thing only happened in Minnesota!  Sure enough the water froze after the second snowfall.  I had noticed it when I was driving by.  My eyes registered the lack of movement, or rather the lack of ripples, in the water.  It totally felt surreal.

After a few days of mere cold temperatures, I noticed the ripples in the water again but they were farther away from shore.  Eager to investigate what frozen bodies of water look like, I took the kids to the nearest shore.

You might be able to see the delineation of frozen and liquefied water in the picture above.  The white patch above the edge of campground is the frozen part.  The more blue area is the warmed-up water.  Simone and Max are running ahead of me and are on the right side of the picture, near the car.

Even in the glaring sun, these, sheets of ice stay solid!

In the distance we saw some boys at the pier throwing branches into the water.  They were throwing them with such gusto that we realized they were trying to crack the ice from where them were.  Looking around, the kids found some rocks and decided to follow suit.

We are having a wonderful time discovering snow and ice!

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