Sunday, February 22, 2015

Aww Shucks

Tonight I was washing dishes when Max ran behind me and jumped onto the bench.  This is not unusual behavior; Max always runs and jumps around the bus.  He had also had some gummy bears which are stashed in a cabinet above the bench so it made sense that he would be running around to let out his energy.

Max just sat silent for a few seconds and then asked, "Mommy, did you know I was there?"

I admitted I knew he was.  Then Max said something I never thought I'd hear - even from such a mischievous boy.

"Aww Shucks!   I was trying to steal some gummies."


I later told Michael this story in the presence of Max and we all had a good giggle.  Michael then said, "Max, you're just like your mommy."

Max then asked, "Will I have bunions, too?!?"

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