Sunday, February 8, 2015

Max's Birthday Party

We had not given Max a birthday party for his first 4 years because we saw how Simone was not really cognizant of what was going on.  Sometimes she would remember what happened on her 4th birthday and then other times she couldn't.  Max seemed as if he would remember his 5th birthday party so we threw him a small one.  We invited 2 families that we know from the base, but unfortunately one of the families got very sick and couldn't attend.  Fortunately, Max and his guests had a blast!

We rented a community center on the base and decorated it with Power Rangers per Max's preference.

I had met Jacob and Ava's mom Aleena when we attended a Homeschool Mom's Night In where we played a popular dice game called Bunco.  Our kids are the same ages so we started having playdates together.  
Max had not been eager to play the Pin the Key on the Power Rager game when I bought it at Party City.  After seeing it in the bus so much, however,  he warmed up to it and was excited to play it after we pizza.  

Because there were so few of us, each kid got to go twice!  If we had had more stickers, I bet the kids would have kept going.

This was the first time I didn't bake Max a cake myself!  We went to the store to hopefully find a Power Rangers cake, but they're not as popular as they were when I was a teenager.  Spongebob to the rescue, he wooed Max with his happy smile and colorful background.  

Max got a cool Rescuebot and monster truck from his friends.  Simone helped Max with the reading of the cards.

I hope he remembers this party as a fun one.  If not, we'll have these photos to remind him.  

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