Thursday, February 19, 2015

White February

Look what Nature bestowed on us two days ago!

The kids were so excited to play outside, but I wanted them to do schoolwork first.  But then I thought about what it would be like trying to teach while they squirmed in anticipation for going outside.  I decided to let them play first, study later so they could their curiosity out of their system.  

The first thing they did was make snow angels.  Then the hill behind our bus beckoned them and they tried everything to sled down it.  Ever the resourceful girl, Simone went to the recycling bin at the top of the hill and found some cardboard as a makeshift sled.  Unfortunately the snow wasn't packed enough and maybe the incline was not steep enough that the kids didn't really slide as much as they scooted down the hill with too much effort to make it enjoyable.  In the picture above, Simone is trying to push Max to give him momentum.  I don't think a proper sled would have worked because I saw another camper kid with a real sled heading farther up the hills behind the campground.  I think our hill is too gentle.

The kids were out there for probably 45 minutes.  Max's cheeks were so pink!

I never realized how wet kids can get in the snow.  When I went snowboarding, I did fall on the ground but I never got soaking wet because I didn't wriggle around in the white powder.  These kids were throwing it up in the air and exploring its feel by mushing their body and face in it.  Snow as a young, childless adult is fun.  Snow as a mom of young kids is annoying.

Luckily for the kids, the 5" we received will be around for a couple of more days.  

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