Sunday, February 1, 2015

Are You Excited?

The family is planning a vacation!  The kids will stay with Grandma & Grandpa and Michael & me will head to Colombia for a month to learn Spanish and be tourists.  The kids are so excited to see their extended family and Michael & I are excited to do adult things other than take care of our kids.

Simone asked me this morning if I was excited to be away from her and Max.   Truth be told, I am excited to not have responsibility, to be the only I have to take care of.  I didn't want to say yes because she might feel hurt thinking that I don't like her and Max.  No wasn't really truthful so I gave her a long "uhhhhmmmmm....."

She broke the uhm by saying, "It's ok if you say 'no,' Mommy."

Is it ok if I say "yes"?

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