Monday, February 9, 2015

Superheroes in Max's Eyes

Max has started getting into superheroes.  It began with his need to read about more manly characters, ones that were not ponies or sisters.  He had seen Spiderman when he was 2, but our recent lack of Netflix has caused him to search for other superheroes on the library shelves.  For Christmas I got him a little set of figurines that had both the good and bad guys.  Here is a burning question he had for Michael.

"Daddy, why do superheroes wear their underwear on the outside?"

One afternoon, I was sitting on the bed next to Max who was playing with his supervillians and superheroes.  I heard him doing a running commentary of their actions, but I didn't recognize the names he was using.  I asked him to clarify.

     The Green Lantern   =   "Greenie"

     Riddler   =   "Question Guy"

     Penguin   =   "Professor Fat Guy"

and the best interpretation ..............................
     Lex Luthor   =   "Weirdo"

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