Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Max's First People Drawings

Max had started complaining that the only thing he knew how to draw was a racetrack, the result of drawing circles upon circles.  Simone and I tried to help him out by showing him how people are drawn.  The first picture shows a collaboration among us.  Max drew the head of Super Diaper Baby, one of his favorite books lately.  He felt frustrated so I showed him how to do the body and diaper.  Then Simone added color.

This gave Max courage to start drawing other figures!  Here is his first human drawn all by himself.  I think it's as happy as he is!

Then he started thinking of his other favorite cartoons and tried to draw "Quack" the duck.  Can you guess which one he is based on Max's drawing?


Max redid Quack and accentuated his feathers.  

He has really taken to drawing now.  So much so that he gets really irate when I tell him he has to go to bed and has to stop drawing.  


  1. I saw something on pinterest where you can take kids' drawing and turn them into stuffed animals among other things. I bet the kids would like that
