Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Asian Squat

It wasn't until college that I realized that there are people in the world who have a hard time squatting.   And I hadn't seen the awkward white person squat until I met Michael.  He had thought I was a weirdo for squatting while playing video games.  "It's comfortable," I defended.  I asked to see his squat and it was as if there was an invisible chair blocking him from bringing his butt closer to the ground than 12".  Of course, when I did mine, all he saw was what he thought was a double-jointed gumby.


Our hybrid kids have the ability to squat all the way to the ground.  Check out Max:

I want to say that the kids luckily have this ability, but I'm sure that to those who can't squat for long periods of time, it looks unnatural and weird.  But I do think it's lucky because they have the option to sit like this when they want to. 


  1. I can't squat but I think it has more to do with the pins and plate in my ankle. Makes some of the yoga poses difficult.

  2. I don't know if it's all in the ankles. I think the flexibility in the hips might help too.
