Monday, September 8, 2014

Max and Uniforms

Max is starting preschool in one week and we have to get him uniforms!  It's a simple dark blue shirt with either khaki or black shorts.  We can get them anywhere since this is the preschool's first year doing a uniform and they didn't have time to get the logo on a big number of shirts.

Max was not pleased to hear that he would have a uniform, but I have a feeling he was just protesting to protest.  He does that a lot - and with a smile on his face as he observes how we react.  To make him feel better, Simone suggested he wear a tie since he loved doing that when dressing up in our old house.

Max again protested ...

"Noooo!  If I wear a tie, then all the girls will want to marry me!"

Max is modeling some dress shoes his mommy is trying to make him like. At least he does it with style!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with Simone, he needs a tie. William would agree, as long as it is a bow tie. ;)
