Sunday, September 7, 2014

Max Is in Preschool!

When Simone was going to school, Max was eager to do the same.  He got a backpack and was not enrolled in anything other than gymnastics.  I think Max was intrigued because he would accompany me to pick up Simone and she would always come home with treats for being well-behaved.  Sometimes she would cater her treat to be for Max, who must have thought that school is all about handing out prizes.

This September, Max will only be 4-3/4 years old, not old enough to begin Kindergarten.  I asked him if he wanted to do preschool and he was very excited!  After some research I found an affordable half-day, half-week preschool with the YMCA.  He luckily got in at the partial schedule, which was on the verge of being dropped by the Y.

This past Saturday, we attended an open house for the preschool!

It will be in the basement of a church about 13 miles north.  I had fully intended to take him to school in the morning, but we realized that the place is somewhat on the way to Michael's work.  Now Michael will mostly take him in the morning and then Simone and I will pick him up after lunch.

Max was now not interested in going to school!   On the way to the open house, Max kept expressing his newfound disdain for school.  As we entered the room in which he would be staying, his anxiety was assuaged and the toys that lined the walls peaked his curiosity instead.

The classes start on September 8th, but we won't be in the state because we'll be accompanying Michael on a business trip.  So his first day of preschool has been delayed until September 15th.  I'm crossing my fingers he likes it and will hopefully learn to eat new things from the other kids.

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