Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We Love Reading!

We are members of 3 libraries!  No, not 3 buildings in a group of connected libraries.  We are members of the one on the military base, the county system, and the system of the city where Max goes to school. 

In all honesty, I'm the one that loves the libraries.  The kids enjoy my reading to them, but they'd prefer we just went to one place close to the bus.  The first two library memberships would probably be enough, but I like going to a library to homeschool Simone while we wait for Max to do his preschool.  Having a place (other than a car or a cafe where we have to pay to sit) where we can read or just chill & stretch our legs for a few hours is so comforting. 

Reading is fun for Simone!

Reading is fun for Max!

Max is pretending to be a bookworm and wants to munch on the dirty, outdoor book.  Yuck.

These are kids.  These are kids on books. 

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