Thursday, September 25, 2014

Max's Preschool

Max was nervous the night before he started preschool.  He was crying and didn't feel better when I reminded him that he had been wanting to try it for a while now.  He felt slightly better when I suggested he bring his abominable snowman figure ("Bomino") in his backpack.  He finally calmed down when I told him I would let him sleep in our bed.

The next morning, he was still nervous but not tearful.  Simone and I took him in and as soon as he saw the room his face lit up at the sight of the toys.  He didn't immediately run to the fun activity centers, but he eventually sauntered over.  He hung onto me the first time I tried to leave, but on the second try, he didn't even look up to say goodbye!

 Here's a video of when we approached the building the first morning.

When we picked Max up, he asked to stay longer!  He enjoyed preschool!

The following days have been great.  Max participates and his teachers seem to like him a lot!  One afternoon, we saw what he claimed he wants to do when he grows up.

He doesn't eat much and isn't inspired by his classmates because they too are all picky eaters. Hopefully that changes because it's one of the main reasons I wanted him to be in preschool!

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