Thursday, November 6, 2014

Dentist Time

Pediatric dentistry has come a long way since I was a child.  Granted ... I wasn't scared of my visits, but most kids of my generation were.  Looking back at the 2 dentists we used for Simone & Max and at their recent one, I need not be fearful they will cower at the thought of a dental cleaning.

Many offices are provide TV for the kids during their visits and provide prizes for completing the examination and cleaning.  Because of this Max and Simone are excited when 6 months have passed and it's time again to visit the tooth doctor.  

I don't know if all DC dentists are just super-catered to children or if we were just lucky to find one so devoted to making the visits pleasant, but we hit the jackpot with our new dentist Dr. Ta. 

Upon entering the lobby, the children are greeted with a large screen TV playing a Disney movie.  Off to the side is a little play area that has typical toys to occupy the kids while they wait.  What makes this niche stand out are the electronics provided for the older kids!  There are a video game console and  iPads embedded  attached to the walls with games galore!   The kids sounded a little disappointed when their names were called and they had to tear away from the iPads.

The cleaning itself was pleasant enough.  Their doctor is very soft-spoken, which I think makes the kids feel at ease.  The space theme, motion-activated work light, and sunglasses fascinate the kids.

They were due for xrays and neither fretted.  I usually have an awkward time getting those film to stay put in my mouth without slicing my cheek and gums open.  The pediatric film must be more gentle or smaller because the kids don't complain.  

Luckily neither have cavities!  But Simone's new molars have terrible corrosion on them.  It's from when she was given powerful antibiotics when she was little (this was when her fever reached 106!).  We're waiting for all 4 molars to emerge from the gums before the doctor suggests our next plan of action.  They might have to drill a bit, but they will definitely put a cap on them.   Hopefully they will be white and not metal!

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