Friday, November 28, 2014

Playing Rough

Max loves to "play rough" and that just entails wrestling with his daddy.  Michael will throw him around in what looks like brutality, but Max loves it and laughs with such glee as he's tumbling around.   

This afternoon, Max asked once again, "Daddy, can we play rough?" 

Michael:  "Yes, but later."
Max: "You mean like tomorrow?"
Michael: "No, I mean later tonight. Why do you like to play rough so much?  Is it because you're a tough boy?"
Max: "No, it's because I need to work on mah skeeelz (my skills)!"

This video was shot a few months ago, back when Max was not as rough as he is now.  I'll have to shoot a more recent video to show the beating Michael goes through to help his son hone his skills.

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