Friday, November 21, 2014

Washing Dishes

Since we started living in the bus, I've been washing dishes outside.  I had been washing dishes at the laundry room's sink, but quickly stopped that when I saw a neighbor use the very same basin for cleaning his cat's litter box.  Let's all say, "Eww!"  During the Summer, the activity was not a bother because the weather was pleasant!  As the warm weather waned, however, I would avoid doing the dishes too late at night and would sometimes leave them overnight to soak.  Then the colder weather really hit and I then had little desire to wash dishes in the morning and would wait till high noon!  There is a bachelor here who saw me washing dishes in the morning and then saw me doing them a few hours later.  He commented, "You are ALWAYS out here washing dishes."  I wanted to spit out that of course I was out here all the time.  Children and husband use utensils and dishware every meal, you idiot!  And I use cookware to make those meals, numbskull.  But I just laughed and said, "Ha ha ... that's how it goes." 

Anyway, grievance over...

So Michael finished the drainpipes for the sinks and life became much warmer!!  I still have to bring in a tub of water to soak and rinse the dishes, but now I can do the chore in the comfort of the cozy bus - without any comments from neighbors without responsibilities!

Ok, whining really over.

Imagine when we get the faucets running!  Then I'll really be living high on the hog!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya on that one! Our last camping trip was chilly and I really had no desire to heat up the water and then wash dishes outside. Luckily we had the option to save them until we got home. ;)
