Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fall Out Boy

Michael got the kids sleeping bags about a month ago.  They were great and the kids loved sleeping in them.  Well ... Simone actually started using it more like a blanket than a bag in which she sleeps.  Max, however, inserts himself in and snoozes all night like a burrito.   Most nights, he does.  
Unfortunately, we have been woken up twice by the sound of Max falling out his bed. 

Combine the satin-y material of the sleeping bag with Max's propensity to kick and turn a lot in his sleep and we have a boy who slips over the mattress edge and thuds onto the carpet floor.  The first time was a miracle because after he fell, he kept on sleeping!  He is one flexible, bouncing boy!  The second time he felt it and cried a little.  That set Michael on a project to keep his boy tucked in and safe at night.

We pulled out the welding supplies from the storage and Michael made a metal bar that Max can lower at night and raise in the morning.  

Here's what Max thought of Michael's solution!

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