Thursday, November 27, 2014

Winter is Coming

The first time the morning temperature dropped to 40 degrees, I knew I had to get the kids and myself more durable clothing.  But how durable did it have to be?  Would we have to walk around like puffballs in down?  Or do layers make the most sense.  Michael said we didn't have to go overboard because we weren't living that far north.  From our neighbors' descriptions of the winters here, it's considered mild.  A hefty jacket and boots will do for us.

I splurged and got a nice jacket that matches Simone's!  Max chose a poofy jacket, but regrets it.  He doesn't like to feel bulky.  Michael got a nice rugged jacket from American Eagle.  The kids got boots at Tractor Supply.   A woman at our homeschooling coop mentioned getting snow pants and it worried me that we weren't prepared.  Oh well ... we'll see what happens.  If the kids' pants get wet then I'll just have to take an extra trip up to the laundry house.  From what neighbors say, the snow doesn't stick around too long on the ground.

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