Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Kids' First Play

I attended my first play when I was in high school.  I forget which club I belonged to that organized the trip, but we saw The Phantom of the Opera.  I felt so fancy!  

Our homeschool group had discount tickets to The Kennedy Center and one of the shows was a play geared towards kids age 4 - 7, the exact age of mine!  I wanted to give Simone and Max the same joy I experienced when I saw a professional production. 

This show was inspired by the book "The Gift of Nothing," which is about a cat that struggles to identify and search for the perfect gift for his best dog friend who has everything he needs.  The stage set and score were not as spectacular as what I've seen before, but it was very appropriate for the kids!  Simone and Max loved the show!  I asked them after the performance what they thought of the play and Simone revealed that she kept thinking to herself, "I hope this never ends!"  Max too enjoyed it and never once fell asleep nor whispered to me that he was ready to go home, something he often does in movie theaters ... out loud .... and loudly.   With this show, Max's eyes were glued to the stage.  

Another highlight of the show was dressing up for it.  Simone got to wear her new bolero and Max his new blazer.  Here they are showing off their threads.

Max always has to strike a pose.  Vogue!

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