Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

I was a little concerned that Halloween this year would not be festive because of our housing situation.  I need have been worried because the kids enjoyed the season!  First off, we went to a pumpkin patch and got pumpkins.  Last year, I think we got our pumpkins from Home Depot. 

Second, we decorated the bus with googly eyes.  Simone made a terrifying mouth that included a frightened girl and boy that resembled her and Max. 

Third, I finally carved pumpkins without having the lids fall in!  I got really into this year!  The kids didn't do any carving, but had a chance to decorate extra ones that they got at a homeschool fall festival.

I thought they might not be able to have a costume, but we were able to think of things that didn't require a giant purchase of another bulky costume.  Simone was about to be a vampire princess using fangs and a renaissance-type dress that she had gotten when she was 5 years old.  But as we were sorting through our storage, she found her old Merida dress and decided to be the Scottish princess instead. 

There were not as many kids in the campground as there were earlier in the month so I took Simone and Max to a street on base that had a lot of decorated houses.  I was relieved that they didn't fuss about not having a proper Halloween basket.  I didn't want to buy something so bulky that would just clutter our little living space.  Luckily, our kids are understanding and were quite content with the bags we had lying around.  Simone chose a canvas one lying under the sink and Max chose the biggest and brightest plastic one we had. 

It got cold so quickly that we only went to 10 or so houses.  All in all, we were probably gone 15 minutes.  Max is now recovering from the cold evening by taking a 3 hour nap.  He doesn't have a fever but I think his body feels run down from the extremities, the sugar, and the excitement of Halloween. 

I'm very proud of the kids this year because they greeted everyone with a "trick or treat!"  There was only one house that Max did not approach and it was because of all the frightening props that littered the lawn.  I can't blame the little fellow - Freddie Kruger is pretty gnarly0looking.   Simone wore her wig but did not bring her bow.  "It's only going to get in the way (of getting candy, I assume)."  Max didn't want to wear a mustache again because he felt too self-conscious when he wore one the day before.  I tried to assure him that the darkness would hide his facial hair, but he was not convniced.
When we returned, the kids stayed inside the bus and devoured their loot.  Michael had prepared a campfire while we were gone so I stayed with him and enjoyed the warmth with a little bit of wine. 

Another successful All Hallow's Eve!

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