Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fingerless Gloves

When the weather got colder and I still had to do chores outside, I had a burning need for fingerless gloves.  An amazon search came up only with gloves that cost at least $8.  Not a bad price, but something inside me said I could do it myself for cheaper.   Actually - now that I think about it - I think it was Michael who joked to me that he could make me some fingerless gloves with the aid of scissors.  So it wasn't a stretch to do a DIY project when I came across $1 knit gloves at the discount aisle at Joann's!

I knew that I had to do something to keep them from unraveling but I was not in the mood to knit/sew them at the edges.  Michael had just bought a pack of mini superglues from Home Depot, so I grabbed those and unleashed them onto my gloves.

Bad idea.

The gloves looked fine at first but after 12+ hours, the superglue cured and simultaneously hardened and shrunk the opening with its chemical reaction to the fabric.  I couldn't even force my fingers through the holes!  So I cut off the hardened pieces and thought I would have to just knit the suckers after all.

Enter Michael again with his ideas.  He asked what the material was and I told him it was cotton.  They certainly felt like cotton, but I was wrong.  They were some acrylic / polyester blend and thus able to be burned!  I've seen Michael do this on rope that had a plastic-y layer on it.  Well the gloves had enough synthetic goo woven in it to have the same effect!

It worked!  No more unraveling and the gloves are very functional!  One hand is not as protected as the other because of my failed experiment, but it's better than a fully exposed hand!

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