Monday, November 18, 2013

Gymnastics Classes

Max and Simone have been taking semi-private lessons with their old gymnastics teacher, Miss Becky.  They had her separately when they were taking group classes and I really liked her teaching style, which was basically that she taught instead of just babysat the kids.  The other teachers would direct the kids, but not help them improve on form.  The other teachers also let the kids run around and goof off, behavior Max was beginning to adopt and something I was getting annoyed paying for.

These semi-private lessons seemed like a worthy, albeit more pricey, path to getting the kids more active.  Simone has improved vastly the last 7 weeks!  Max has too, but he still maintains his clown persona that always wants to make people laugh but that hinders him from learning.  We've had to extract Max from the class for a few minutes so that he can have a timeout.  Looking back, it wouldn't have mattered if he were around kids who didn't listen to their authority figures.  It's just in him to always be the goofball rebel.  Simone too will goof off, but I wonder if it's influence from her brother.  I don't remember her being like this when she was in a class with a bunch of girls.

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