Sunday, November 24, 2013


Michael and I have been whittling away at our books and files, shredding old documents and donating books we no longer read and probably never will because we're too tired from lugging them to new homes every year.  While sorting an old binder, I found some old sketches!

These are some drawings and labels I made to help myself remember Japanese adjectives that describe location.   The ones below show formal and casual names you'd call your family members.  

I know what you're thinking.  "Wow, Gigi is diligent in her studies!"  The truth is I'm not.  Or at least I wasn't in this case.  The reason these sketches are so fun and well-color-coded is because I had been avoiding studying for my architecture license exams.  Maybe there's a correlation to how much I draw for a subject and how poorly I learn it because I have become a licensed architect and I still have no idea what the kanji mean.

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