Monday, November 18, 2013


I hate to admit this, but I love Walmart.

I never gave the store a second thought before I moved to Northern California.  Maybe there was no Walmart near me in West LA or maybe Target was more accessible and just more appealing of a store, but I whenever I needed toiletries or new outfits, I never went to Walmart.  I went to Costco and Forever 21, respectively.

When we moved to Berkeley, Lizette told me how she doesn't like the store because they sell guns and don't treat their employees well.  I think guns are alright, but I didn't like that people were being mistreated for the sake of selling products for cheap prices.

Maybe it's because I've moved to South Tampa where I've never seen so many white trailer folk roam and now I've absorbed their culture, but I have come to enjoy my trips to Walmart.  Their clothes are soooo cheap!  Granted I would not go to a nice restaurant in their fashions, but my kids can definitely walk around town in their dresses, pants, and shirts.

I still feel bad for liking the store so much, but if I'm in a bind and need acetametophin and some Uncrustables, I'm headed to Walmart.

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