Saturday, November 16, 2013


I never thought of myself as someone who is a "Type A" control freak.  I'm messy in my appearance, in my house, and in my brain.  But near the turn of 2013,  I made a resolution to start scheduling our meals.  My goal was to plan ahead enough to make one trip to the store with a list of ingredients needed for a week's worth of meals.  I didn't want to write about it at the beginning of the year, because if I didn't continue it, it would be embarrassing to say I had done it and in reality only done it for a couple of weeks or so.  I've started many things and stopped doing them after about a month.

But planning out a week's meals continued well into the Summer!  And it was soooo beneficial!  It was a bit of a struggle to think of things to make before the day of, but it was such a relief every morning when I thought about what I had to do for the day and the food part of it was planned out!  I had alerts to tell me, "Thaw the steak!"  "Thaw the shrimp!"  I even started experimenting with new dishes once a week! 

And then, one day in Summer, Michael said he was going to go on a 4-day fast.  That was fine with me because I was going to eat and not have to worry about making a meal for Michael!  But what this did was throw a wrench in the whole meal scheduling routine.  I now had extra food in the refrigerator and didn't really need to plan meals for an entire week anymore.  Or rather, I couldn't really plan because sometimes Michael would break his multiple-day fasts. 

Well, we are done with that whole fasting phase.  And I have returned to scheduling our meals!  It is a sense of order that helps me cope and I love it!  Am I turning into a Type A control freak?  I probably never will, but there will at least be an organized part of my life that I can rely on.

"An overwhelmed mom of three, Tanya relied on her new mobile shower to get through the week."

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