Monday, November 4, 2013

Simone's First Lost Tooth!

This could have been also titled, "Simone's First Tooth Lost!"

Her tooth had been so loose for the past week.  I noticed it when flossing her teeth.  Luckily, she had become brave enough to let me wiggle it - and boy was it wiggly!  On Halloween night, she had tried to have some chewy candy but instead got a sharp pain and a bloody mess.

On Saturday we spent a whole day in Webster helping a friend demo an existing house on his property.  Due to the rain, the kids were stuck in the car for most of the day and I thought that for sure the awkward circumstances would bring about the tooth coming out.  Luckily her dental composition stayed in tact ... until we came home!  10 minutes after we walked through the door, Simone exclaimed how wiggly her tooth was.  I suggested she pull on it, and a few minutes later I heard, "IT CAME OUT!"  

Simone carefully placed it on a napkin and when we finally had time that night, we slipped it in a plastic bag and under her pillow.

Inspecting the tooth that Simone had lost, I noticed that it was awfully short.  this meant the root was still inside the gums!  Now, when I was a kid, I lost a lot of my teeth from extraction at the dentist's office.  Since my mouth is small, a lot of my teeth were crowding in and the dentist would periodically have to pull teeth out to make room.  So I grew up seeing teeth with the root attached.  

Not only is Simone's root's tooth still in her gums, but the new tooth is already emerging and it is all the way in the back behind her other baby teeth.  I am not a dentist but I'm suspecting that she will losing a lot of teeth rapidly in the next year or she is going to have a tangled junkyard of old and new dentata in her mouth.  I'm calling the dentist in about 32 minutes to schedule an appointment!

Simone ended up getting a dollar from the tooth fairy and wanted to spend it right away at Target.  I got a perspective into what a child thinks items cost.  She thought she could run to the Barbie aisle and get a doll for $1!  When she saw a pillow for $3, she asked me to give her another $2.   NO WAY!  So I introduced her to the idea of saving money and using it for something she really wants.  She then asked, "How soon can I lose my other teeth?  Will it be today?"  Poor girl is facing the reality of budgets!  She ended up getting some cute Halloween socks and gloves on sale.  We were all surprised when we found out the mark-down was more than we thought and the cashier handed Simone an extra $0.35 in change.  This tooth experience has been both a physical and education milestone!

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