Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yo Quiero Fish Sticks

I don't know how I got this addiction, but I crave fish sticks all the time.  I did have a lot of fish for dinner when I was growing up so I was thinking that I might crave the Omega-3s.  But then I remember having them for merienda (an afternoon snack) a lot in high school.

Almost everyday for lunch I have 6 or 8 sticks with a heap of ketchup.  My friend Kerry will tell me, "You're addicted to the ketchup!"  That might be the case because the meal is not the same without the condiment.  I also like the juxtaposition (I learned that word at high-falutin' college) of crunchy and mushy.  The dichotomy (another fancy word architect students use to sell the design they scribbled 30 minutes before class) of textures is intoxicating!

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