Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Family Bowling Night

Michael surprised us yesterday afternoon and came home early!  What did we do with that extra time?  We went bowling!

The alley on the military base is usually dead and last night was no different.  We ordered a small pizza for the kids and burgers for the adults.  Max and Simone were so adorable as they bowled.  Don't let their miniature size fool you - they beat us!  Simone had a 93, Michael - 67, Max - 66, Me - 54.

When we left, Simone said that she could not give me a super star as she would hand out to herself, Max and her daddy.  Michael asked Simone why I wouldn't get one and Simone said, "Mommy was horrible."  It's true - I suck.

1 comment:

  1. Did their ball light up as well? I want a light up bowling ball!!
