Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Midnight Mishaps

Max surprised us all last night and peed the bed.  He hadn't done that for several months - I think the last time was a one-time incident over the Summer!  He felt bad.  While I was changing him, he said, "I'm not going to cry."  :-(   I gave him a hug and assured him we all knew he didn't mean to do it.

I can't remember if I've written about this before but, as mundane as it may sound, I feel it's important to log.  I think that the cause of my kids' urinal accidents at night is fatigue.  Earlier in the year, Simone and Max would have intermittent accidents and it seemed to coincide with when they had gone to bed really late or when they were having a growth spurt.   Max recently took 3 hour naps 2 days in a row - a sign to us that he's growing and his body is requiring more rejuvenating sleep.  Yesterday was the first napless afternoon and his body must have been so dog tired that Max couldn't wake up from his urge to pee to go to the bathroom, literally.  Figuratively, he did - in the bed.

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