Friday, December 27, 2013

Yes, Simone and Max, There Is a Santa Claus.

On Christmas Eve Day I still did not know if I would stand in for Santa and eat some of the cookies we set out for him.  Towards the afternoon, Michael whispered to me, "Max told me that he believes there is a Santa."  That settled it.  We had to keep the magic alive not just for the wavering hopeful but also for the newly converted.

Max had fallen asleep early that night, but at 10:45, Simone was still wide-eyed and alert.  I asked her to write a note to Santa, but she wanted to draw him a picture instead.

Later that night, I wrapped the remaining presents and concocted a thank-you note from Santa.  

Groggy from the late night of last-minute decorations and wrapping, I was half awake when Simone excitedly told her daddy that Santa had left a letter.  Since Simone does not yet know cursive, Michael recited it.  Simone must have been so focused because she continued to read the letter out loud throughout the morning.  She was a bit perplexed though that Santa had left 1 1/2 cookies left uneaten.   Mommy Santa was stuffed.

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