Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Handbook for Future-Simone and Future-Max

Eat. Sleep. Play. Learn. Pee. Poop. Repeat.

The last 6 1/2 years have been filled with these verbs.  It was doubly so 4 years ago when I had to take care of newborn Max and toddler Simone.  I've decided to write more about these considerably uneventful occasions because I have found myself wanting to know what I was like at the kids' ages and not having answers.  When I ask my mom about her travails in raising me from infancy, her usual answer has been that she doesn't remember.  I know that in the future, I too will not remember.  I already forgot that Max used to call Simone "Mone" when he was younger!  If and when Max and Simone have their own kids and they ask me when they were potty-trained or when they started eating solids or when they started reading, I'll be able to tell them!

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