Friday, October 31, 2014

Fall Fest

The kids and I attended a homeschool group-sponsored event on the day before Halloween!  This gave Max and Simone a great opportunity to do a dry run of their costumes!  Simone was Merida from "Brave" and Max was a policeman, complete with a mustache!

Move over, Tom Selleck!

There were 50 homeschool parents and children and there were so many crafts and games to do!  What did my kids do first?  Eat!  They were not really into doing crafts other than decorating their pumpkin.  The activity they most wanted to do was play on the playground!

While playing, Simone pretended to shoot her bow and arrow and this attracted the attention of one young knight.  Max was asleep on the job and did not see the admiration burgeoning.  Michael thinks he should have some workshops for Max that will help him better detect unwanted (unwanted-by-Daddy) suitors.  

Greetings, milady!   

Max and Simone have made friends with another pair of siblings who are the same age!  

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