Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I'm a Human Raised by Humans

When I first saw the movie "Elf," I was a single woman.  I was tickled by this movie and loved it so much I bought it before I had children.  Enter the existence of my children and I find this movie is perfect for the kids ... and adults.  It's just the best movie to watch over and over again - in July and in December,

We're watching it right now as I type and the kids and I are repeatedly saying, "This is one of my favorite parts."

  • Buddy wants to hug a racoon.
  • Buddy thinks the leftover chewing gum on metro rails are treasure.
  • Buddy rides an escalator for the first time.
  • Buddy tells Jovie he likes anyone who shares his appreciation for elf culture.
  • Buddy runs into a bathroom stall after Jovie screams to find him singing with her.  
  • Buddy tells fake Santa that he sits on a throne of lies.  
  • Buddy give his dad a negligee because he knows it's a gift for a special someone.

We're only halfway through the movie!  And Buddy hasn't even started a dance party in the mailroom!  Buddy hasn't even met Tyrion Lannister and asked him if he got permission to leave the North Pole!

What a treasure this movie is - and not in the abandoned, germy gum kind of way!

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