Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Baby, It's (Sorta) Cold Outside

The plunge into cold weather in DC has not been as drastic as I thought it would be.  The first days were indeed a shock to the kids' and my system, but we are now greeting the cold days as any other factoid of life and are not hampered by it.  

We've been at the same campsite for the past 3 months and are reserved here for the next 3.  It's a good location in that we get decent internet access, but we are not along the main thoroughfare and thus not as exposed to passersby.  

Our bus is second from the right

I never thought I would think of 50 degrees as a warm day!  When the temperatures rise to 50s and it's sunny out, we like to air out the bus.  If you look at the roof our bus, you can see our bathroom vent and escape hatch propped open.  The crisp fresh air feels great replacing the stale interior air.  

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