Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Food Again

Max used to be very adventurous when he was a toddler.  Rather, he didn't complain when I gave him food.  He just ate it!  As he reached age 2, he started to refuse to eat what I put in front of him, and it only escalated after that.  I tried putting him in preschool so he could see other kids eating and thus want to try those same foods.  That plan backfired because all his classmates were equally if not more finicky than he.

At a recent sushi lunch, the kids had been on the mend from a cold and I wanted them to have some warm miso soup.  Max of course didn't want any so I told him how when he was a littler kid, he ate miso soup all the time.  When I make chicken noodle soup, I call it Kai-Lan soup because it resembles the depiction that the cartoon makes of udon.  So this time I told him that miso soup is Hello Kitty soup.  Who knows if that helped at all, but after he had his first sip, he looked up at me and said, with much surprise "... (sip) ... (pensive pause) ... I like it!"

Tonight, we were watching a movie and, out of the blue, he told me, "I want to try a real hamburger."  I couldn't not hold in my delight and said, "That's awesome!  We'll work on getting you one."  I hope he likes hamburgers when he tries it because the only protein he's been getting is from chicken nuggets and tofu.  It'll be nice to give him variety.

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