Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Michael (and Jesus)!

On Christmas Eve, we received 11 packages at our P.O. Box in time for the holiday gift-wrapping extravaganza!  While the kids slept soundly we decorated the bench with gifts from family and friends.  

I didn't bother drawing up a sign to warn the kids to wait for us to open presents.  Maybe I knew deep down that they would wait.  Or maybe I didn't care if they opened it all up?  Because we had finished the wrapping at around 1 in the morning, I knew I would want to sleep in and not worry about cataloging the kids' surprised faces upon each present's reveal.

Simone herself was very tired and didn't wake up until after all of us had.  Max, on the other hand, was stirring around 4:30am because he had to go to the bathroom.  He luckily went back to sleep in my arms and that bought me a couple of hours.  Eventually, I woke up to Max prying open my eyelids and politely ordering me to wake up.  

It was very interesting to see how differently the kids opened their presents.   At first, they took turns opening presents from the loot.  But Simone has always liked to sort and she did this with her presents as if to make sense of the chaotic placement.   Michael likes to pepper the stash with different wrappings here and there and with different recipients spread out.  After the first gifts, Simone started stacking her gifts in a pile and handing Max his gifts, which he tore open immediately.  Only after Simone had assessed all the boxes did she tear into hers.  

Michael got us such great gifts this year.  Max got a cool hat; Simone got beautiful jewelry; and I got a much needed wallet to sort my messy purse.   Michael put icing on my present by catering it to my love of The Walking Dead.  

All presents should be unwrapped at Christmas, but I wanted to try limiting what they opened and played with this year because of our limited space.  I would let them open one new thing every week to keep the season alive!  But Michael nixed that idea and it turned out to be so great for the kids' relationship.  They played all do together without fighting!  But here was the aftermath of the revelry.

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