Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Winter Hike

My images of a cold Winter were that the family would be holed up inside, fearful to venture outside, and catching cabin fever.  But this Winter has been mild and we have become emboldened to still enjoy the outdoors every time the sun emerges.

One morning, after a series of cloudy days, the sun peeked out and I resolved to get the kids moving by taking a hike near the base.  After a hearty lunch with soup and rice, we set out on the same path we had visited in the Summer.  

Hurry up, Mommy!  Stop taking pictures!

When we had gone on this path earlier in the year, the foliage was thick and deceived how close we actually were to a pond.  The summer forest felt more mysterious because you couldn't see what was around the corner.  The winter forest does have more gnarly trees, but we get a bigger picture of our surroundings and thus scales down the expanse of the forest.

Autumn colors have long since left so any sign of green intrigues my eye.  


Some sort of berried cover, like mistletoe on the ground!

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