Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Buffet

Again we ate at the Army Navy Club for our holiday meal.  This time we took more time to take pictures.

When we had first gone there, we overheard a little boy ask his mother, "Is that man made of chocolate?"  This piqued my interest and I looked around for what might be a life-size cacao statue.  What we found was this:

I can see why the kid accused the man of being too sweet.  He's pretty glossy!

This time I took the time to catalog our surroundings.  One of the neat things at the club is their accoutrements in the bathroom!  Ok, it might be old-news to those who frequent better establishments, but to us it's schnazzy!  Thick paper towels!  Qtips! Lotion! Combs swimming in disinfectant! And the piece de resistance ... Mouthwash!!!!

Seriously, the place is as cool as Fonzie.  As fancy as Iggy.  As smooth as my dad's head.  The food is excellent!  Check it out!


For starters, they have several smoked fish, shrimp cocktail galore, 7 salads to choose from, and the sign that you have made it in this world ... butter scooped in the shape of balls.  

Then the main dishes include: duck confit, pan-seared grouper with pea risotto, lobster mac-n-cheese, cornish game hen, prime rib, turkey, and all the holiday sides!

Simone discovered she loves caesar salad.

Michael discovered that Max indeed does not like ham if it doesn't look like bacon.

We were able to get some nice pictures again for the special occasion, but it took a lot of photos to get Max to look as stunning as he had before.  All he wanted to do was make faces and pose funny.  I think the picture above worked because Michael must have given Max a stern command to look happy.  And see the death grip on the boy?  Stay!

All in all it was a good time once again.

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