Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve - Adult Style

It was in the early 00's that Michael and I celebrated New Year's Eve with style and activity!  We dressed up and attended a party at some hotel near LAX.  There was dinner and dancing and conversation with other adults!  What a time it was!

We didn't miss those nights because along came the kids and we didn't have the energy to get a babysitter, get dressed, and venture outside the sanctuary of our domesticity.   But then an incredible opportunity presented itself when my parents planned a trip to DC during the holidays this year.  The possibilities were endless!  We finally decided on going to Habana Village for a pre-fixe dinner, a salsa lesson and a night of dancing to welcome year 2015.  

Since we made our reservations late, we had to attend early dinner sitting at 6:30pm.  The food was delicious!  Corn and cheese empanadas and butternut squash soup for appetizers.  I had stuffed pork medallion and Michael had lomo soltado for our main entrees.  Our dessert of chocolate lava cake was not very Cuban, but was appreciated nonetheless.  Our waiter asked us if we wanted to try a very Cuban coffee and of course we agreed.  It's called "Bombon" and it's a shot of espresso with a dollop of steamed, condensed milk.  Michael informed me it tastes just like the Colombian "Cafe con leche."  

The salsa teacher was late, but it timed perfectly with the end of our dinner.  I had taken salsa lessons many times before but had never advanced past the basic.  Michael had taken a handful and was very concerned about learning the moves since his last lesson had been about 9 years prior.  He needn't have worried because he got the moves so quickly!  We danced a lot but it remained the basic moves that we learned at the lesson.  But since we did it so much (and maybe because of our gradually increasing inebriation) we started doing new turns!  

We miraculously lasted until the midnight countdown, but I was ready to leave after our first dance into the new year.  My feet were hurting despite having only 1-1/2" heels.  My New Year's resolution among others is to get my bunions removed so I can dance the night away with our new moves!

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