Monday, October 27, 2014

Art Gallery Review

I was very excited to see an art exhibit at the National Gallery of Art that showcased the works of Degas and his contemporary Mary Cassatt.  They were buddies and influenced each other's paintings.  Before we arrived I tried to tell the kids about how revolutionary the Impressionist Art Movement was.  Their eyes were glazed but I hoped the information was sinking in.

When we got to the museum, it took a while to get to the exhibit that we passed several sculptures on the way.  The kids liked the sculptures!

I had been telling them some Greek Myths, but the only one that Simone knew of and who was in a sculpture was Hermes / Mercury.  We talked a little bit about "Painting and Sculpture" a piece that anthropormorphized the two methods of artwork.

Painting and Sculpture

That was the peak of their interest,  We got into the Cassatt Degas exhibit and the kids were booooored out of their minds.  And frankly, I had become bored of it too right after seeing the highlight, "Little Girl in Blue Armchair."  But I may have been influenced by the kids because I'd like to return and look at all the paintings at my leisure.  I'm not crushed about the exhibit being over, because the rest of the museum looked intriguing - at least what little blurs I saw of it as I ushered the kids out.  

For now, I don't think I'll take the kids to 2D art exhibits anymore.  I noticed they liked the sculpture.  Maybe we'll go to some modern art museum that has mixed media and the like.  On second thought, that stuff bores me and I might be the own whining to leave early.

Can we go now?

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