Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dangerous Campground

There is wildlife here at the campground and Michael has encountered them at night on the way to the bathroom.  One night there was a fox.  Ok, that's not too scary since the animal kept its distance.  Another night, Michael spotted a black snake wriggling across the road in front of him.  And one night he encountered .......

The North American Parking Block!!

At this time, we were parked far from the bathrooms and the only speedy vehicles we had were the kids' bicycles.  Michael grabbed Simone's and raced to beat nature's calling.  The moon must have not been out because Michael did not see the concrete beast in his path.  At the last minute, his ocular senses identified the parking block.  Michael expertly slammed on the brakes - too expertly.  The sudden impact, albeit softened by the brakes,  propelled his body over the handrails and Michael tumbled onto the grass and gravel beyond.  

After Michael did his business, he slowly cycled back to the bus and mended his wounds.  We were still awake and saw his injuries, but the lack of light did not reveal the gravity of what stumbling over a parking block can do to a grown adult.  It was only in the morning that we saw how narrowly Michael escaped his total demise.

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