Sunday, October 12, 2014

Timeline Introduction

For Simone's history lessons this year, we're creating a timeline of the ancient civilizations.  It spans at least 3500 years, which might be overload for Simone's first attempt.  I decided to do a smaller one that she could relate to: my timeline!

Each inch represents 1 year.  On the top is my timeline and on the bottom is Michael's.  When I told the kids about it it was blank.  I had laid it out on the bench table and invited them to do a special project.  I started with my birth and drew pictures of Michael and me as time progressed.  the kids loooooved the exercise!

 They liked seeing themselves but were curious about the moment that their parents met.

"Why does Mommy have a cape on?"  ...   "That's to show I had long hair."
"Why does Daddy have no mouth?" ...  "Oh, that dot is his mouth.  That's just his flirting face (which resembles Zoolander's Blue Steel look)."

I liked drawing how cool Michael looked in middle school and how nerdy I looked (and was).  It's nice that the kids don't understand my joke yet.  They don't get the concept of "nerd" or "geek."

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