Monday, October 27, 2014


When we left Tampa, we fit everything we own in our bus and in a 22' long truck.  When we arrived in DC, we were so pooped and were easily persuaded into putting our belongings in to a 10' x 25' storage.

4 months of staying here and visiting our storage periodically has made us realize that we could totally downsize even more.  So this past weekend, we purged more and then squished everything into a 10'x15' room.  It felt like magic!  But as usual, Michael planned the whole thing in his head and we didn't have to let go of our favorite chairs nor of our washing machine & dryer, which I thought for sure were going on Craigslist.

Michael erected a loft!!

The kids tested it out!

At a height of 6'-7 1/2", we were left with 3'-4 1/2" in the loft and nearly doubled our spaced!

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