Friday, October 17, 2014

Eye Check

Max is at it again with his eyes!  He is constantly checking to see if they're there by touching his eyebrows with his pinkies.  Just as Simone has her facial tics and jumps, Max has this particular obsession.

He can be completely engrossed in an activity such as riding his scooter, but he will stop and check his eyes if the urge overcomes him.  One morning, he ran across the bus and jumped into our bed to scare us.   After he had landed on the mattress and before he jumped onto Michael, he checked his eyes.  It was rather hilarious to see him turn off his mode of mini-ninja just to touch his eyebrows.

I had read online that these tics were nothing to worry about yet because they're simple, single-action rituals.  It's when they become complex with a series of actions that I should think about taking the kids to see a specialist.

I realized I have a tic myself!  While watching the Game of Thrones, Michael noticed that I do this continuous clearing of my throat.  Now that we're here in DC, that tic has come back full force for me!  Sorry kids, you got your eccentricities from your mama!

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