Monday, October 6, 2014

Oktoberfest 2014

The last time Michael and I went to Oktoberfest was in 2005, before children and after settling down into a long-term relationship.   It was soooo boring.  We were done with the event after 90 minutes, during which we consumed a couple of beers and large sausages.  I thought I was going to have a raging good time as I had years before when I had participated enthusiastically in the chicken dance and a few rounds of polka.  The somber mood of Oktoberfest 2005 left me unmoved to go to another German-centric event no matter how strong the lure of alcohol.

9 years later, Michael and I have two mini-me's who are able to walk on their own and Oktoberfest seems like a pleasant way to spend a weekend day.  We can fill their bellies with popcorn and chicken tenders and we can fill ours with beer and bratwurst.  Either it is "time away" or "the company of loved ones" that makes festivals more fun because I thoroughly enjoyed our short stay at Fort Belvoir's Oktoberfest!  We ate, we listened to polka, we burped, we rode a ride and then we left and still had time to take a nap that afternoon!  How glorious is that?!

Michael always enjoys when the kids want to sit next to him.

When I heard live music, I was excited to show Simone a violinist.  But guess what!  There are no strings in German bands!  They're all about the wind.  Instruments, that is.

The kids have just confirmed they are tall enough to ride dragons!

Simone is very content to fly near the ground.  Max is ready to fly!

The video shows how the kids' personalities differ.  At second 18,  watch for the wacky dragon under fluctuating control.  

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