Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Little Baby Jones

When Simone was little (under 2, I think), Alicia gave her a book called Skippyjon Jones.  "It is so fun to read!  You can use your best Mexican accent!"

It was indeed fun to read!  It is about a siamese cat that thinks he is a chihuahua.  For the other characters in the book I gave them southern accents.  Max ate this up when I read to him.  He has a great ear and can reproduce sounds so well.  One day he changed "Skippyjon Jones" to ....

"Little Baby Jones"

(said with a southern accent).  Simone and I thought it was funny at first and laughed every time he said it.  This approval only spurred his constant repetition of the phrase and what was something cute turned into something annoying.  Max is not deterred.  He loves to say little baby jones every day, even when we ask him to stop it.  Michael doesn't mind but that is because he isn't around all day when Max has said it for the 20th time.  

In the future, I'm sure we'll hear this phrase and laugh again.  For now, we are thankful when he doesn't say it more than 30 times before noon.  

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